According to the Page Speed Insights tool (an official Google test with proven results accuracy), a Bulgarian software and web development company owns one of the fastest websites across the Internet. „It is important to say that the website speed is really important and has a big impact on the rankings in SERP“, they comment.
Mint Soft LTD is a company launched in 2018. Based in one of the major technological hubs in Europe – Bulgaria, they offer a huge variety of web services like website/e-commerce development, copywriting, SEO services and advises, website support and a full online management campaign. Their website is rated with the impressive 98 out of 100 points on the Google official test – Page Speed Insights.
A high score between 90 and 100 points means the website renders FMP in about 1,220ms. That is a great achievement, according to the experts in website development.
Why website speed is that important?
Did you know that 80% of the visitors use mobile devices to search across the web? That makes the website speed a critical factor for reaching your potential customers. Furthermore, the page speed is known to be a Google ranking factor – we can easily prove that by simply checking the SERP with a high-competition keyword. Can you see a slow website on first page? I guess no!
This is why we always talk about speed instead of fancy graphics and fonts – nobody will be able to see them if you haven not optimized the performance.
How to create the perfect website?
Frankly said, it’s not only about website speed and that’s why we choose Mint Soft to give an example of a good balance. Why? Because the perfect website is a balance of 6 key elements – Speed, User experience, appearance, content, SEO and lead generation. So, if you just have 1 out of 6 your goal is definitely not achieved. Let’s talk about the rest of the elements as long as we have already explained everything about website speed.
Of course, the visitors become your clients with a user-friendly appearance. This is not just a job for your graphic designer – yes, it should look beautiful but the information that your landing page gives is most important. The icons, images and fonts should represent your copy although some website owners make the mistake and use more decorations that needed and in this way confuse the visitors.
We should pay a lot of attention when it comes to lead generation. If your website generates a lot of leads you have accomplished the sub-goals, like page speed.