The Magento Security Patch is released for the companies for maintaining the security of their site even after the session is being logged out. This will help in the invalidating of vulnerabilities that can hack the security of the site. The SUPEE-8788 is proving helpful for the companies, and it being applied as soon as the company has launched it.
With the development of newer software and change in the technology, this patch is seen as the major enhancement in the Magento Development. These patches are introduced in the market in the form of following addresses:
- After the user logs out it invalidates the session
- Testing the development of environment patch and preventing the extensions and customizations getting affected.
- Zend Framework is accompanied with the vulnerabilities in the payment.
- Enhancing the security at later stage
Installing the SUPEE-8788
The companies that are installing the Magento Security Patch should look after that the previous patches are installed properly as some of the patches will depend on them. If you want to check about the proper installation of old patches then one can use the software like MageReport. The installation of the Magento patch is simpler as the person need to:
- Disable the Magento Compiler on System
- Configure
- Tools
- Magento Compiler
- Clearing the compiled Cache
The Magento Security patch can be applied if it meets the following underlying conditions:
- SUPEE-8788 is not applied yet because of the Magento version EE or the CE
- The SUPEE-8788 patch version 1 is already applied
- Switching it from the SUPEE-1533 to the SUPEE-8788
- Upgrading from an earlier Magento version
After the installation of the Magento Security patch SUPEE-8788 in a perfect manner, the companies needs to check out for the loading of the CMS, Landing pages, Shipping and the Payment pages are done in a corrected manner. No issue should erupt after installation and affect the CMS, Admin pages, page sessions, downloadable products, etc.
Challenges or the Possible Issues with SUPEE-8788
The issues that the companies can face with SUPEE-8788 are that if the patch version 1 is deleted, then one cannot download it gain. If in any case, the file is deleted, then the files can be only restored through the backup copy of those files. The challenges that are usually faced:
- If the PHP version is older than the 5.6, then one cannot log into the Magento Admin and this is because of the function namely hash_equals() that was introduced with this version of PHP.
- If the SUPEE-1533 is already applied, then this security patch will see a failure on app/code/core/Mage/Adminhtml/Controllers/DashboardController.php and much other vulnerability can be detected too.
At last, it can be seen that it has become necessary to get the files of the client site secured while working on Magento and by installing the SUPEE-8788, many problems can be solved.